Books and Resources
This post should be a constantly updated one enumerating all the books I've read and enjoyed or learned from. I will most likely provide links to such books. I do NOT encourage people to not buy these books and just read them online. In fact, I bought most, if not all of them.
Modern Operating Systems 4th Edition --- Andrew Tanenbaum
A must read book for low-level enthusiasts. It explains operating systems from zero with connecting it to history as well so that you see the exact evolution. The book itself is quite modern and still applies today conceptually.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
To be fully read An amazing book to get introduced to what LLVM accomplishes.
Design Patterns --- Element of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Another must read for any OOP user. Describes high-level strategies and patterns that makes you better and planning and implementing complex OOP applications.
A great quick reference for design patterns.
A movie about the Erlang language. Even if you don't plan to use the language itself, the Actor-Model paradigm can be implemented/used in any language. Some people hail it as the replacement of OOP.